Shaking the Gates of Hell

Revised, Updated, Second Edition, Published 2020

See Endorsements and Reviews here


Give me a hundred preachers… who fear nothing but sin and desire nothing but God, and I will shake the gates of hell and set up the Kingdom of God on this earth.”   John Wesley

Humanity is at a crossroads, at a moment of profound choice. There are two paths ahead. The world’s dominant institutions are propelling us towards a future of growing human misery and ecological destruction. This book points out an alternative path that leads toward a peaceful, just, and sustainable world. It is a path that includes spiritual awakening, resistance, and personal and social transformation.

In Shaking the Gates of Hell, author Sharon Delgado presents an overview of the global economy and of the long-term and underlying causes of the current economic crisis.  She adroitly shows how the global economic system makes perfect sense from the perspective of Market Fundamentalism, but from the perspective of faith and common sense it is “economic insanity.”  She claims that “the system is designed for the results it is getting,” that is, the enrichment of a wealthy and powerful few at the expense of the majority of human beings, communities, and the earth itself.

Delgado supports her claims with extensive research, personal experience, and a theological analysis that includes a reverence for God’s creation, a critique of the interlocking network of the world’s dominant political, economic, and military Powers, and compelling hope that “another world is possible.”   She points toward an alternative future and suggests ways that people of faith can join with others to “shake the gates of hell,” resisting the horror of a barren, violent, and poisoned future, while developing viable alternatives to help build a peaceful, just, and sustainable world.

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